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The IF Award winners demonstrated excellence and innovation in strategic foresight methodologies to tackle complex issues. Winners represented diverse global contexts from countries like Australia, New Caledonia, Colombia, Bhutan, Zambia, Malawi and more. By showcasing the vibrant leading edge across regions, disciplines and methodologies, the IF Award winners offer inspiration for the global foresight community while raising the visibility of the field's evolving excellence.

We received ‘record-breaking’ 106 submissions from new, mid-career and veteran futurists and foresight practitioners from across the globe. 310 individuals including team members contributed their work to the futures field. The awards conveyed possibility, exploration, and openness to new perspectives.

The IF Awards celebrates Most Significant Futures Works we have 14 Top Submission Winners and 13 Honourable Mentions. You can read more about each winning submission below.



The purpose of the IF Award focal areas are to broaden from the academic constraints and the format descriptor, highlight the values of APF, and reflect our values about recognized awardees


Engenders an ethical imagination, radical optimism, and/or hope


Addresses intergenerational justice and fairness through explicit futures and foresight tools and methods


Creates further awareness and understanding of challenges using a systems-lens, approaches, and/or practices


Showcases work that clearly demonstrates where futures and foresight were integral to a process and/or practice within a community, corporate, agency, and governance context


Leverages multinational, regional and/or global engagement to deliver outcomes, effects, and impact


Utilizes participatory futures approaches and practices to create change and/or enhance interconnectedness


Works that employ design-based, multi-sensorial, experiential and/or play-driven, literary, gaming, musical, and other artistic expressions to approach explorations of futures thinking


Promotes future-oriented practices rooted in Indigenous, Native, and/or endogenous approaches, concepts, practices, and voices


Noteworthy advances in the methods and practices of foresight and futures studies 

"As an Innovation, technology, Futurism enthusiast, networking with industry leaders is the highlight of my involvement. Engaging in thought-provoking discussions and challenging assumptions is essential to staying at the forefront of the ever-evolving tech world."

Dr. Sanjay Rout

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About the project

CARRYKIN is an experiential art project set in a future where humans can temporarily gestate endangered marine species like seals, sharks, and dugongs using artificial wombs. This interspecies surrogacy program allows cross-species caregiving while helping rebuild devastated ecosystems. CARRYKIN contemplates new modes of kinship, the ethics of care, and the possibility of more equitable, biodiverse futures centered around climate recovery. As an imaginative prompt, CARRYKIN’s surreal concept spurs audiences to confront assumptions about human-animal relations and ecological stewardship.


About the project

The weak signals work by Sitra aims to stretch thinking about possible futures. It consists of a report, workshops and an exhibition of futures artefacts. The report groups different signals of change and situates them into familiar places, such as home, work or nature. It includes a set of “what if?” questions and short stories to broaden futures thinking. These stories were further developed into artefacts about futures in a series of workshops together with stakeholders and selected artists and designers. The artefacts were shown in an exhibition at the Finnish Design Museum.


About the project

"Signs of Change" utilizes imagined future signage and policies to make climate impacts tangible at a human scale. Installed publicly as an immersive landscape, the signs convey diverse local perspectives on shifts in values, environments, infrastructure, and governance over the next 40 years. As an adaptable open-source artifact set archived from workshops and exhibits, "Signs of Change" aims to build climate resilience by turning abstract futures into accessible platforms for collective meaning-making. Blending strategic foresight and design, this project provokes relatable debates about preferable futures.


About the project

Fashion Futuring bridges strategic planning and fictional imagination to shift fashion toward sustainability, rooted in aligned cultural values. As an alternative to forecasting's focus on products and technology, this methodology centers shared ideals to inform systemic change. Tested in collaborative workshops, Fashion Futuring utilizes speculative design fictions, unknown possibilities, and “transition pathways” to collectively re-envision industry transformations. It invites forecasters and designers to adopt long-range, values-first, collaborative attitudes supporting fashion’s ethical reset. Fashion Futuring aims to model how positive values-driven practices can enable industries to transition futures.


About the project

UNDP Uzbekistan conducted an exploratory futures exercise on the country’s green transition to inform emerging government strategic plans. Convening global and local experts, the project utilized foresight methods including signals mapping, driver identification, and scenario modeling to crystallize insights about potential policies and reforms. The resulting report and recommendations aim to support ongoing national sustainability efforts by anticipating change, revealing risks and opportunities, and stress-testing proposed strategies across plausible future contexts. This first national-level foresight project generated further demand, demonstrating the value of speculative approaches in policy formulation.


About the project

The American Planning Association’s annual Trend Report for Planners in partnership with the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy utilizes strategic foresight methods to reveal over 100 relevant emerging shifts, preparing communities for impending impacts.Developed with a diverse foresight community scanning wide horizons, the report groups actionable trends by urgency across themed clusters like technology and demographics. Explaining interconnections and potential scenarios, the report aims to raise planner awareness regarding incorporating external change factors into flexible planning processes. By scoping unknowns impinging on communities, APA’s foresight work aspires to upgrade planning itself to get ahead of disruption for more equitable, sustainable futures.


About the project

The experimental Plantiverse project prototyped systems enabling houseplants to gain autonomy, decision-making, and economic participation. Sensor-equipped plants like Herbie can now self-direct mobility seeking light or water. Visualizing plant physiological status as dynamic digital avatars, these “NFTrees” were minted and sold to fund sustainability efforts. A plant-governed DAO allows specimen to allocate resources communally. Depicting potential interspecies metaverse economies, Plantiverse explores conferring rights and reciprocal agency to nature via emerging technologies. Expanding circles of concern beyond the human, this provocative project imagines reconfiguring our systems to enable equitable participation.


About the project

The "Dreams and Disruptions" card game engages players in collaborative, immersive scenario building to stretch imaginaries and stress-test visions. Integrating archetypes, time horizons, trends, and random "disruptions," participants shape hybrid stories while navigating challenges. Seeking inclusive participation, the game focuses on grasping key foresight concepts experientially, envisioning emergent worlds, and creating robust strategies. Accentuating play and unpredictable elements, Dreams and Disruptions aims to catalyze radical, empathy-expanding thinking about leadership, change agency, and designing preferred, "anti-fragile" futures. 


About the project

The Well-being of Future Generations Act requires Welsh public bodies to consider long-term impacts of everything they do. A review by the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales assessed in 2022 the Welsh Government's progress on this. The review found that there is a lot of enthusiasm for the legislation in Welsh Government and efforts are underway to build long-term thinking into policies and processes, but multiple barriers, including  crises and limited capacity are slowing down progress. .To assist Welsh Government and others with this, the Future Generations Commissioner has developed a Maturity Matrix that can help public service organisations assess where they are on their journey to implementing the legislation, and also provides ideas for next steps towards Leading the Way. The recommendations of the review, as well as the use of the Maturity Matrix by various organisations are currently underway The Future Generations Commissioner will continue reviewing implementation across Wales.


About the project

The "Pacific Pathfinder" toolkit adapts strategic foresight methods for Pacific contexts to build regional capabilities in long-range planning. Created by practitioners at the Pacific Community to share learnings from an organizational strategy project, this interactive guide aims to demystify futures approaches through case studies and tips. Centering Pacific philosophies valuing collectivity and reciprocity, the toolkit nurtures inclusive, intergenerational perspectives. Offered as a "gift" promoting ongoing exchange, Pacific Pathfinder aspires to catalyze confident, customized use of futures thinking across the islands' public policy landscape.


About the project

This project brought together farmers, chefs, and policymakers in Spain’s Navarra region to collaboratively develop a manifesto on sustainable gastronomy. Through the medium of cooking and guided discussions on topics like agriculture, equity, and cultural heritage, participants shared diverse perspectives. This intimate, participatory approach, coined "Transform", facilitates creative thinking about potential policies and actions for the future in an accessible way, moving beyond typical scenarios. It demonstrates an innovative methodology for inclusive, experiential foresight to inform strategic policy decisions.


About the project

FutureCast is an adaptable in-person game for generating insights about emerging threats and opportunities. Players tackle prompts in rounds, building on each other's responses. Designed for the UN to explore fragile democracy election scenarios, the free framework includes customization guides to remix for local contexts. Testing elicited diverse civil society and youth perspectives. The hands-on collaborative format aims to make foresight approaches accessible, helping various stakeholders map risks, identify positive pathways, and enhance preparedness. FutureCast intends to spark ongoing exchanges for navigating complex futures.


About the project

This experimental project utilized an imagined 2052 high school sex education curriculum as a container to explore eradicating shame around intimacy. Through embodied roleplay as parents of teenagers, participants confronted deep taboos, provoking reflection on unexamined beliefs. Iterating the experiential futures protocol across multiple exhibitions, the layered design highlighted navigating uncertainty and discomfort at the edges as a metaphor for overcoming obstacles to social change. Pushing boundaries of permissioned exploration, the project intends to model leaning into challenges in order to radically expand horizons. 


About the project

"The Long View" illuminates how reembracing long-term perspectives can counter society’s intensifying presentism. Traversing disciplines, geographies and eras to showcase plural approaches to deep futures, this expansive work aims to shake short-termism’s stranglehold. Calling for collective, intergenerational responsibility, the book spotlights ingenious efforts pushing time horizons. Ranging from ancient indigenous practices to avant-garde art interrogating posterity, these examples offer hope for confronting current crises. Ultimately "The Long View" intends to reinstill lost capacity for farsightedness, restoring agency amid chaos.


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Imagining 'No-Place' Together: Utopia Labs for Collective Exploration
Jennifer Williams, Matjaz Vidmar, Gintare Kylute

Utopia Labs provide open, collaborative spaces to imagine and feel potential futures without prescriptive frameworks or solutions. Originating as a flicker of an idea in 2017, the interdisciplinary labs question, learn, and create together through events integrating yoga, meditation, poetry, vegetarian meals, and more. They emphasize slowing down, making connections, and exploring both inwardly and together. Though not focused on solutions, insights emerge and reverberate. The flexible, portable labs continue to evolve, now moving into online spaces and new partnerships, continuing their spirit of imaginative collective exploration.

Envisioning Repair and Reconciliation: Museums Exploring Voluntary Repatriation
Elizabeth Merritt

This American Alliance of Museums project launches an effort to shift museum relationships with several historically exploited communities regarding control of cultural artifacts. Through accessible application of the Three Horizons strategic foresight framework, the initiative aims to foster optimism and courage to drive progress on voluntary repatriation and broader reparative practices. By convening diverse voices to share visions of ethical museum stewardship grounded in justice and equity, they seek to chart an actionable path beyond entrenched barriers, bringing nuance while inspiring principled responsibility.

Healing Past Trauma to Unlock Flourishing Futures
Steven Lichty

This research explores how trauma-informed mental health interventions can increase marginalized youth's capacity for futures thinking. It finds that processing past trauma through community-based psychosocial support unlocks youth's potential to envision more positive futures, strengthening their sense of agency and responsibility. This elevates their consciousness across multiple dimensions linked to futures orientation. The research informs international guidelines on investing in youth mental health for broader societal dividends while spotlighting promising avenues to empower traumatized youth to transform used futures.

Turanga Memeitaki no te iti tangata Kuki Airani — Charting Intergenerational Wellbeing for the Cook Islands
Valery Wichman

Te Ara Akapapa’anga Nui privileges indigenous concepts of genealogy and relationships to shape a 100-year national vision for the Cook Islands anchored in collective wellbeing. Developed over 18 months, it incorporates futures methodologies to plan across four generations at 5, 25, and 100-year intervals. The framework challenges Western approaches by valuing traditional knowledge, as embodied in the Akapapa’anga methodology. Initial efforts now focus on researching wellbeing metrics, mainstreaming mechanisms, and structural arrangements to ultimately fulfill the promise of enduring, equitable wellbeing across all generations..

Democratizing Foresight: activating a global network for inclusive anticipation
Narue Shiki, Vanessa Howe-Jones, Darah Aljoudar, Clarice Wilson, Manasi Kumbhat, Scott Smith, John Willshire & UNDP’s global Futures Network

The Futures Trends and Signals System (FTSS) activates UNDP’s worldwide network to collaboratively identify early signals of change for informing organizational strategy. Its participatory design demystifies and mainstreams foresight, capturing diverse inputs from 200+ professionals across contexts. Anchored in values of inclusion and accessibility, FTSS convenes cross-boundary sensemaking while dismantling silos. Its promise as a capability-building instrument that can reshape mindsets and decision-making has sparked excitement within and beyond UNDP. By democratizing foresight through broad participation, FTSS lays the foundation for collectively shaping more inclusive futures.

Bridging the Divide: Immersing Business Leaders in Gen Z Innovation
Dion Chang, Bronwyn Williams, Faeeza Khan, Tumelo Mojapelo, Chili Kier, Cloud Clayton, Bethea Clayton

Flux Trends' Gen Z Innovation Tour transports corporate delegates beyond their comfort zones into the world of boundary-pushing Generation Z entrepreneurs. Through visits to an innovative youth academy, urban agriculture hub, creative collective, and a human library of young changemakers, participants directly engage the mindsets, innovations, and stories of South Africa’s “born free” generation. By showcasing Gen Z’s resilience and motivation in reimagining business and society, Flux Trends advocates reciprocal learning rather than one-way molding, helping leaders listen to and collaborate with youth who are creating more equitable digital futures.

Amplifying Intergenerational Voices to Shape Our Shared Future
Peter Bishop, Lisa Giuliani, Amna Habiba

Teach the Future’s annual World Future Day - Young Voices convenes youth and adults for dialogues across all 24 time zones, seeded by local facilitator pairs. Structurally supporting intergenerational exchange, 2023 saw participation from 54 countries with over 100 under-25 registrants discussing sustainability, technology, education, and more. Outcomes emphasize democratizing futures literacy, embracing plural narratives, and unlocking imagination. Providing an empathetic platform to transform policies and mindsets, this global initiative spotlights diverse youth perspectives vital for inclusive futures. It enhances agency and hope by demonstrating the power of listening across generations to collectively shape the future.

Playing with Possibilities: Sparking Insight on Declining Populations
Adam Sharpe, Siddhi Patil

The People Power Game playfully immerses participants in envisioning futures impacted by declining and aging populations. Participants roleplay emerging scenarios using card combinations representing driving forces. Assessing preferability, they then explore actions to move towards or avoid imagined situations. Honored for modeling inclusive design, the game has been played globally from government offices to design firms. Surfacing diverse views and solutions, it raises awareness, challenges assumptions, and builds capacity to get ahead of disruptions, driving systemic change while protecting rights in a transforming demographic landscape.

Envisioning Radical Solutions for a Minister of the Future
Laurie Smith, Celia Hannon, Rees Howell, Florence Engasser, Nesta Comms Team, Prospect Team

Nesta and Prospect magazine collaborated to spark debate on future challenges through an innovative thought experiment – proposals pitched to a hypothetical UK Minister for the Future. Exploring eight critical themes from healthcare to democracy, contributors offered a cross-section of radical ideas to tackle looming issues. Seeking diversity, they engaged bright minds spanning business, academia and more to move discussion beyond problem diagnosis toward solutions. Designed to inspire long-term thinking amid short-termism, this engaging format brought future-oriented discourse into mainstream conversations. By modeling openness to fresh perspectives, it highlighted the need to shape change proactively through plurality and imagination.

Democratizing Foresight: AI-enabled participatory scenarios for all
Mike Jackson pioneers the world's first free online foresight service, enabling anyone to strategically anticipate personal or organizational futures. Users participate in scenario thinking tailored to their dreams and context, receiving a comprehensive analysis within 90 minutes that would take over 10,000 hours manually. Integrating 150+ intelligence tools to systematically explore the past, present and future 360 degrees around a topic, it provides customized strategic insight and recommendations. By exponentially increasing access to strategic foresight, this groundbreaking system aims to help decision-makers globally become their best possible selves.

"PAN": Exploring Time and Memory to Liberate Futures
Alex de las Heras

"PAN" encompasses documentary essays and a journey through time, space, and perspective in the Andean region. Catalyzed by the question "what time is it?," this collaborative work intricately weaves together diverse voices to delve into conceptions of future time, challenge notions of presentism, and explore the re-signification of colonial pasts from a futures orientation. Blending participatory research, social foresight, and decolonial approaches, "PAN" fosters collective reflection toward constructing liberatory narratives that catalyze desire, hope, and social emancipation. As an invitation to engage with multidimensional temporality and inclusive worldbuilding, it aims to provoke thought and inspire creative envisioning of alternative futures.

Charting an Equitable Course: Exploring Bhutan's Workforce Futures
Jose Ramos, John Sweeney, Gareth Priday, Jayarethanam Pillai, Reanna Browne, UNDP Bhutan, Ministry of Labour and Human Resources

This project explored potential workforce futures for Bhutan by engaging diverse stakeholders across key sectors. Centering marginalized rural farmers, it incorporated analytical and community research to surface creative ideas. Incorporating extensive research and challenging existing paradigms, the project centered the perspectives of vulnerable groups like rural farmers. It aimed to articulate visions aligned with Bhutanese cultural values and focused on upskilling programs, sustainable agriculture, and other ideas to empower and include marginalized citizens. The participatory process provided a model for economic development grounded in a nation’s strengths.

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Envisioning the Future of Humanitarian Aid: Innovating Food Security through Foresight

This Red Cross Red Crescent project applied systems mapping, strategic foresight, and design thinking to generate innovative concepts for improving food security and livelihoods programming. Over several months, teams in Zambia, Malawi, and Kenya visualized the complex system dynamics driving food insecurity, explored plausible futures and community aspirations, and ideated concepts with diverse stakeholders. The creative, experimental process embedded foresight capabilities within the National Societies and produced exciting, robust ideas to influence the system's leverage points. There are now plans to expand the approach across more countries to ultimately transform global humanitarian programming, increasing community resilience and dignity.

Ben Holt, Yuve Guluma, with Patricia Mugenzi, Sara Gullet, Priyanka Patel and Derrick  Mugasia

2023 Advisory Committee



Grayce is a foresight strategist, service designer, and storyteller. She has experience working in healthcare, post-secondary education, and most recently fintech; exploring various ways to integrate human-centred design while assisting organizations in understanding and preparing for possible futures.


Martín, a chemistry lecturer and Ph.D. candidate at Arizona State University, researches alternative futures knowledge within Latin American futurisms. His emerging tech expertise encompasses digital and nanomaterials, currently investigating societal impacts via ASU's National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure. Formerly taught technology studies, science governance and sustainability at the Universidad de Chile for over a decade, grounding socio-technical change in situated knowledge across the Americas. Dissertation explores imaginative ways of knowing forthcoming technology worlds.

United States

James H. Lee is the Founder of StratFI, a boutique investment advisory firm focused on "What happens next?" He is also the author of Foresight Investing: A Complete Guide to Finding Your Next Great Trade.


Rahul has been working on long-term sustainability and integrating futures/foresight into think-tanks for almost 15 years (and failing, as much as succeeding); He’s lead teams at the School of International Futures, building the Inter-generational equity model for Portugal; acted as a judge for the Joseph Jaworski award -- and generally been in/around the field -- from a practice/policy perspective, rather than a pure-play futurist perspective.


Shakil Ahmed is a futurist storyteller at Ridiculous Futures educating on strategic foresight. As Bangladesh’s national EdTech and blended learning advisor and EdTech Hub country lead, he has extensively consulted organizations and government on long-term visioning, notably the Prime Minister’s Office on Bangladesh’s education future in 2041. Other clients include BRAC, ActionAid, Goethe Institut, and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. A recipient of the School of International Future’s Next Generation Foresight Practitioner Asia award in 2019, he fosters mindset shifts that actively shape preferred outcomes.

United States

Terry Grim, a founding partner at foresight consultancy Foresight Alliance, leverages her expertise in futures methodology to help organizations integrate strategic foresight. With an extensive background including IBM, space program software development, and over 10 years teaching futures studies at the University of Houston, Grim is a founding member of the Association of Professional Futurists. She focuses on foresight ethics and best practices. Her publications address foresight maturity models and women’s empowerment.


Having an innate talent to zoom out to see the bigger picture and dive into details has helped me initiate actions and implement changes to deliver insightful and practical business solutions. In my 13+ years of experience, I have successfully designed and ran an education start-up for underprivileged kids, managed million-dollar portfolios and designed services to enhance senior’s experience in a retirement home.Throughout my career, I have used Human-Centered Design and Service Design frameworks to understand various stakeholder's journeys and experiences and created solutions that exceed expectations.


Ashish is a strategy and innovational professional, with a background in aeronautical engineering, re-design and systems strategy. He has over 20 years of experience serving and learning in interdisciplinary contexts, from corporations to marginalized communities, impact investment and applied research, to innovation labs. He focuses on collaborative foresight and living systems to support leadership and organizational recovery and governance preparedness. His pursuits also include discerning the roles of hope, satire and music in resilience and decision making. Ashish heads Foundations Enterprise and also serves as a leadership and foresight coach for organization leaders and teams.

United States

Tim teaches business foresight courses at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College, where he previously coordinated the foresight program. An associate teaching professor, his classes include Foresight in Business and Society, Strategic Foresight for MBAs, and undergraduate Business Problem Solving. Before academia, Tim directed a nonprofit and practiced civil litigation law for many years. Holds a social work bachelor's from Valparaiso and a JD in law, also from Valparaiso University..


Valerie Fox is renowned for co-founding the DMZ, ranked the world’s #3 university business incubator by 2015. Her expertise in building thriving entrepreneurial communities led her to found The Pivotal Point, coaching community incubators globally. With 30+ years spanning IBM’s senior innovation network and pioneering 5 patented designs like the Universal Shopping Cart, her trailblazing continues at New Economy models and future-thinking partnerships that embrace intentional diversity. She’s driven by a shared vision where local change ripples worldwide.

United States

Spearheaded the 1st HIV prevention program for uniformed services by the defense departmen. Launched the 1st joint research organization between US DoD, a National laboratory, university faculty, and students (JTAC at University of Chicago). Director for Banyan Analytics, the 1st research and analysis organization to project future US involvement in nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological incidents in Asia (including future public health crises), Oceania & Island Security, and implementing partner for the Asia-Pacific re-balance policy




Abril, a graphic designer, researches imaginative futures as Chief Pollinator, Participatory Futures Global Swarm and Journal of Futures Studies editor. Teaches creativity and futures at Mexico City’s CENTRO, winner of the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd and World Futures Studies Federation research grants. UNESCO-certified in Futures Literacy, has collaborated on projects for IAEA, IDRC and NSquare analyzing intersections of design, futures and social change. Facilitator and speaker for various UN offices, exploring speculative futures tools to engage communities in thinking ahead collectively.


I am a freelance design consultant who works with organizations, communities and teams to achieve positive impact, with a human-centred, future-focused systemic design approach. Rooted in years of experience in the private, public and social purpose sectors, I work together with people to find solutions and build capabilities, whatever the challenge, and help design a better tomorrow. (let me know if this is too long...)


Grace Okubo is a seasoned design and software expert with over a decade of experience crafting products that simplify lives and spark joy across financial management, e-commerce, real estate, conversational interface design, voice apps and publishing. She enjoys teaching practical skills to other designers and product managers on Coursera. Outside work, Okubo stays curious learning on Coursera, reading good books and watching Netflix, continually expanding her knowledge.


Jenny is a Design strategist/researcher with years of experience in technology and branding sectors. Her practice focuses on making the practice of foresight more accessible and tangible for tech companies who are looking for ways to innovate for the future while remaining agile in their everyday practices. She holds a Masters of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation from OCAD University and also teaches at Brainstation as an instructor for Design Thinking and UX Design.

United States

Aerospace engineer and Boeing Technical Fellow applying technology foresight globally. Researches quantum computing, develops country technology strategies. Excels creating order from complexity, devising new techniques to solve unprecedented problems. Skilled practitioner of foresight, systems thinking, analysis and community building. Current projects include space ethics, innovation measurement, institutionalizing hackathons. Recognized thought leader: Association of Professional Futurists member, Discovery Science Channel expert adviser. Promotes STEM inclusion volunteering with Great Minds in STEM and Tatweer mentoring programs. Avid adventurer and world traveler.

London UK

Professor Ozcan Saritas directs Future Foresight at Rochester Institute of Technology in Dubai. An international authority in strategic foresight, innovation, and futures studies, he holds an honorary professorship at Manchester Institute of Innovation Research. As Editor-in-Chief of “Foresight” journal, he collaborates globally, advising organizations like the United Nations, World Bank, OECD and national governments on long-term innovation policies and strategies. His expertise in qualitative and quantitative foresight methodologies powered by collective human-AI intelligence catalyzes impact.


An interdisciplinary research and innovation expert consulting across health, law, business, technology, agriculture, energy, education, food and science sectors. With expertise spanning multiple domains, they operates as an advisory expert skilled at developing impactful solutions to complex problems. Additionally, they bring psychological knowledge into her integrative approach. Known for excellence facilitating progress through an interdisciplinary lens leading to actionable innovation.


Vikita Shahani is an architect driven by sustainable, human-centric design with over a decade of experience spanning public and private sector projects. She was intricately involved in strategy, planning and design for Dubai's Expo 2020. Currently with Love That Design, Shahani oversees strategic growth, industry partnerships and innovation development regionally and globally. She is also a speaker at universities, mentoring young women pursuing architecture and design careers.


Anthea leads the Creative Technology Office at the city of Toronto. She is a creative strategic leader and city builder with an eye to the future. Her experience includes positions including as a Curator of Digital Public Art, Smart City Project Lead, Creative Strategist, Senior Training Manager CFC Media Lab, and Community Engagement Specialist. Her expertise comprises the creative technology sector (video games, immersive, esports, emerging technologies), digital public art (incl. digital infrastructure), strategic city building initiatives, as well as interactive narrative. She is currently the Focal Point for Toronto’s UNESCO City of Media Arts designation, and has been a Canadian juror for the UN Task force’s World Summit Awards, served as Co-Chair of InterAccess, sat on the Board of Smart Cities World, as well as a variety of other boards and committees.


Daniel Riveong is an award winning foresight practitioner with a thematic focus on food, post-capitalism, and Global South futures. As the foresight advisor at NGFP, he supports the +600 plus network of young foresight practitioners in their futures and foresight learning journey. He is also the co-founder of the Participatory Futures Global Swarm co-operative. Daniel has been recognized by the APF for his work in the future of food and was previously an APF Fellow.


Grayce is a foresight strategist, service designer, and storyteller. She has experience working in healthcare, post-secondary education, and most recently fintech; exploring various ways to integrate human-centred design while assisting organizations in understanding and preparing for possible futures.


Justyna Linke is an urban development and social innovation practitioner, serving as CEO of Urban Workshop, a foresight lab for participatory municipal future studies. She has spearheaded multiple urban projects for UNDP globally. Linke received the 2018 Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award. With her team, she has assisted numerous cities and organizations in applying innovative insights tools. Before founding Urban Workshop, Linke spent three years as a social innovation and communication specialist for UNDP. She is a lecturer in future studies and urban foresight, coach and speaker on smart cities.
Pérez Comisso


Martín, a chemistry lecturer and Ph.D. candidate at Arizona State University, researches alternative futures knowledge within Latin American futurisms. His emerging tech expertise encompasses digital and nanomaterials, currently investigating societal impacts via ASU's National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure. Formerly taught technology studies, science governance and sustainability at the Universidad de Chile for over a decade, grounding socio-technical change in situated knowledge across the Americas. Dissertation explores imaginative ways of knowing forthcoming technology worlds.

United States

Dr. Peter Bishop is the Founder and Executive Director of Teach the Future, an organization supporting educators in teaching futures thinking. He retired as a Professor Emeritus of Strategic Foresight and program director at the University of Houston in 2013. Bishop has published two foresight books with Andy Hines and is a founding board member of the Association of Professional Futurists.


Susan Gorbet is a futurist and design strategist guiding organizations to integrate foresight and design thinking. At SAP, she developed a global program bringing future-focused facilitation to teams across six continents. With Shad Canada, her design curriculum has inspired thousands of high schoolers to believe they can change the world. Previously evangelized experience design at Silicon Valley tech titans Oracle, SGI and Snapfish. Holds a Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and has taught foresight and design courses at four Canadian universities.

New Delhi

Ashish is a strategy and innovational professional, with a background in aeronautical engineering, re-design and systems strategy. He has over 20 years of experience serving and learning in interdisciplinary contexts, from corporations to marginalized communities, impact investment and applied research, to innovation labs. He focuses on collaborative foresight and living systems to support leadership and organizational recovery and governance preparedness. His pursuits also include discerning the roles of hope, satire and music in resilience and decision making. Ashish heads Foundations Enterprise and also serves as a leadership and foresight coach for organization leaders and teams.


Spearheaded the 1st HIV prevention program for uniformed services by the defense departmen. Launched the 1st joint research organization between US DoD, a National laboratory, university faculty, and students (JTAC at University of Chicago). Director for Banyan Analytics, the 1st research and analysis organization to project future US involvement in nuclear, biological, chemical, and radiological incidents in Asia (including future public health crises), Oceania & Island Security, and implementing partner for the Asia-Pacific re-balance policy

United States

Hillary Spencer wields strategic leadership and social justice principles to strengthen museums' community impact. A risk-taking, future-focused thought leader, she models co-creative exhibition development and structural inclusion. Former Bishop Museum CEO and Children's Museum of the Upstate President, she co-chairs the International Council of Museums' Exhibitions Committee. Previously held global business roles at the American Museum of Natural History and pioneering traveling exhibit firm Nomad. Her risk research is transforming museum field discourse on navigating disruption.


An analyst, researcher and communicator focused on climate and sustainability policy and management challenges. Skilled at designing inclusive processes, teaching complex sustainability concepts, and public speaking. Research examines overcoming organizational and political tensions in collaborative climate initiatives. Holds a PhD in Organization & Management and a MSc. in Sustainable Development, systems thinking and ecological economics. Passionate sustainability workshop and seminar creator on topics like Science Based Targets, circular economy, futures literacy. Sustainability lecturer experience includes masters programs at Uppsala University, Sweden.


Monica focuses on Strategy and AI, aiming to shape engagements that inspire and drive progress and positive change for individual and collective members of the global society.
Peou Norbert- Munns


Dr. Rathana Peou Norbert-Munns is an award-winning futurist and expert on sustainable development and agrifood systems. With the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, she brings extensive foresight experience designing climate resilient, low emissions food systems across Asia. Her research focuses on the intersection of food, water, energy and health security in achieving net zero agriculture. She serves on boards including Transparency International-Cambodia and became a 2023 fellow of the Foresight for Food, Oxford University.


Tara O'Neil serves as Chief Innovation Officer at SMARTlab Niagara, a research lab using emerging technologies to develop solutions for complex regional issues. Her work centers on leveraging immersive technologies like VR to provide creative real-world solutions. She also teaches strategic foresight and previously led retail design strategy. With a background spanning design, strategy and foresight, O’Neil aids organizations and individuals in navigating future intricacies and possibilities. She persistently explores inventive thought and strategic foresight culture at SMARTlab.


"Currently works as a governance expert for the EU Covenant of Mayors and provides technical assistance under the Policy Support Fund to support local authorities in Mediterranean and Eastern Member States in developing of adaptation and mitigation strategies to climate change. In addition, he is a project management consultant in the fields of smart cities, smart territories, smart islands and smart tourism projects for digital technological transformation. His contributions have focused on compliance with the regulations and the correct drafting of technical documentation to contribute to the transitions towards the circular economy, sustainable urban and territorial development, and energy efficiency. Working from comprehensive and inclusive perspectives to generate impactful and resilient solutions."


Carmel is an information technology and global business expert exploring the future of identity. A professor focused on globalization of tech work, his research examines global software teams, outsourcing, and emerging software industries. Former interim Kogod Business School dean, authored three books including the landmark "Global Software Teams." Visiting professor across five universities globally. PhD and MBA from the University of Arizona and UCLA. and his B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley.

United States

James H. Lee is the Founder of StratFI, a boutique investment advisory firm focused on "What happens next?" He is also the author of Foresight Investing: A Complete Guide to Finding Your Next Great Trade.


Lisa Zhao is a Business Analyst for the Energy Industry in Canada. She specializes in Cyber Security, Business strategy development and Management Systems. At Applied4Sight she uses her skills to help companies develop their programs focusing on risk management and futures research.


31 years experience excellence Awards in all Arab regions according to EFQM, GM-UAE, Jordan KSA…Future’s Scenario in many sectors such as agricultural, religious, financial sector, security sector. Aas recognised as the best Arabic lecturer in FF at Arabic area 2021 , Published the book what if …. Governance


Over a decade of experience focusing on challenging business integrations and IT projects in order to build a comprehensive and well-rounded consulting skill set with a desire to contribute in a permanent capacity. Regularly running multiple projects in multiple areas of business. Specifically, focused on enterprise-level solutions and implementations in which leadership, coaching and relationship management skills are my focus in order to manage expectations at all levels and to ensure highest quality outcomes.


Terry Grim, a founding partner at foresight consultancy Foresight Alliance, leverages her expertise in futures methodology to help organizations integrate strategic foresight. With an extensive background including IBM, space program software development, and over 10 years teaching futures studies at the University of Houston, Grim is a founding member of the Association of Professional Futurists. She focuses on foresight ethics and best practices. Her publications address foresight maturity models and women’s empowerment.

Toronto, Canada

Cheryl May stewards digital assets for the Systemic Design Association and Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium while pursuing a systems-focused PhD in London. Recently completed an eight-year tenure advising the Canadian Race Relations Foundation. Formerly led social innovation for MaRS and Findhelp 211 public service, recipient of the Head of Public Service Award. Seasoned executive director scaling impact via partnership networks. Transitioned from journalism and theater to “green business” founding and systems innovation. Holds a Masters of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation.
Giulia Maria
Moschen Bracho


I am a Trend Researcher specialising in lifestyle, retail, and consumer behaviour trends. During the last ten years, I have investigated how our society constantly changes through primary and secondary research, in-depth macro trend analysis, and innovative future methodologies. Crafting content strategies and producing trend books, articles, white papers, and social media updates are my forte. Some of my valued clients include trend consultancy companies, retail establishments and magazines.
Jean Paul
Pinto Morales


Jean Paul Pinto is a Commercial Engineer with 20 years of professional and teaching experience in the building of scenarios , Strategic Foresight and innovation processes. International lecturer in more than 10 countries and postgraduate professor at universities in Ecuador and Colombia. He holds a Master's Degree in Marketing from the Capitole 1 University of Toulouse, a Master's Degree in Management Sciences (with a focus on Foresight) from the CNAM in Paris and a Master's Degree in Security and Defense from the Institute of Higher National Studies of Ecuador. He holds a PhD in Administration from the Universidad del Valle and is currently developing a prospective process for the imagination and materialization of the future


Founder, Cornucopia FutureScapes. Singapore Futures Fellow, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP, adjunct) Luke leads Cornucopia, a Singapore-based, globally oriented foresight and strategy practice with a focus on food security and the wider sustainability agenda, technology, geopolitics, urban and national development, anticipatory governance, and cross-stakeholder international collaboration. Before founding Cornucopia, Luke served for two decades in leadership and management roles in the agrifood and transport spheres of the Singapore public service, including foresight and strategic planning, international relations, people development, infrastructure development, operations, and corporate governance portfolios. A historian and political scientist, Luke graduated summa cum laude (BA, MA) from the University of Pennsylvania.


Nicole is Chief Operating Officer at Lighthouse Labs, a tech education company specializing in coding, data and cybersecurity. A skilled operations leader driven by using tech and education to address societal issues, she helped build a free global STEM platform reaching 2 million users while completing her genetics PhD. Passionate about creating onramps to tech careers for women and underserved groups, Nicole believes learning never stops, continuously redefining her own professional pursuits.


I hold a Master of Philosophy and a postgraduate diploma in Sustainable Development, a business degree, and an education degree. I am currently working as an Energy Analyst at Hyphen Hydrogen Energy in Windhoek, Namibia. I have done short courses on the water-energy-food nexus (WEF), design thinking, and system change, among others. I am also a social and environmental safeguarding consultant with the UNDP. In the past, I have worked as a researcher for the Engaging Society for Sustainability focusing on global freshwater abstraction. I have also worked as a project coordinator at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, focusing on social sustainability. Moreover, I have over 8 years of experience in education as a teacher and facilitator.

United States

Tim teaches business foresight courses at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza College, where he previously coordinated the foresight program. An associate teaching professor, his classes include Foresight in Business and Society, Strategic Foresight for MBAs, and undergraduate Business Problem Solving. Before academia, Tim directed a nonprofit and practiced civil litigation law for many years. Holds a social work bachelor's from Valparaiso and a JD in law, also from Valparaiso University..

2023 IF AWARDs task force

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John A. Sweeney

Türkiye & USA


Dr. John A. Sweeney is an award-winning author, designer, and futurist. As a practitioner, consultant, and educator, John has organized, managed, and facilitated workshops and seminars, multi-stakeholder projects, and foresight gaming systems in-person within 45 countries on five continents and online with participants from around the world. At present, John is a Senior Research Fellow at Westminster International University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan where he is a Candidate Co-Chair in “Futures Studies for Anticipatory Governance and Sustainable Policymaking.” He also currently serves as Co-Editor-in-Chief of World Futures Review: A Journal of Strategic Foresight and faculty within the University of Houston’s Master’s of Strategic Foresight. In 2021, John joined SOIF as the Transformative Foresight Lead.

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Maggie Greyson



Maggie Greyson is recognized be the Association of Professional Futurists for the Most Significant Futures Work. She is also a Fellow of the School of International Futures. Her mandate is to help people use ambiguous nature of our times to play a meaningful part in the future. Robust research and creative risk-taking define her career as a designer, futurist and writer. Maggie has a Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation from the Ontario College of Art and Design University. Her work garners international attention for strategic communication and innovative storytelling methods. She has designed interactive online experiences for Fortune 100 companies such as Nissan, GE and Shell. She also has a ten year career as a designer for the stage with companies such as the International Shakespeare’s Globe, in the London and the Stratford Theatre Festival.

Lisa Giuliani

Italy & USA

Project Manager

Lisa Giuliani is a seasoned project manager and educator committed to empowering youth and organizations through foresight. With over a decade of experience across higher education, K-12 schools, private sector and nonprofits, she currently serves as Director of Youth Foresight Projects for Teach the Future and Awards Coordinator for the Association of Professional Futurists. She strives for intergenerational equity, making futures thinking accessible and activating youth leaders; Lisa believes cross cultural-collaboration strengthens organizations and communities. She received a Bachelor of Arts focused in Psychology from University of California, Berkeley and a Master of Arts in Industrial Organizational Psychology from Golden Gate University, San Francisco.




PJ is the current Social Media Manager and graphic Designer of the Association of Professional Futurists. As a Public Administration graduate from the University of the Philippines - Diliman, he seamlessly blends administrative expertise with a deep passion for art and design. In the digital design realm for four years, he thrives in an organization that not only leverages his degree but fosters continuous refinement of his creative talents. Eager to contribute meaningfully, PJ is on a perpetual quest for growth, ready to lend his creative design prowess to organizations that value innovation.

Association of Professional Futurists

APF plays a unique role in the field of strategic foresight by defining the competencies of professional futurists, the knowledge base of futures studies they use and the standards by which their work can be evaluated.

Registered Nonprofit 501(c)(6) Association since 2002

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