Podcasts are a great way to listen, get inspired, and learn more about Futures Thinking. We've created a collection of our favorite Foresight-related podcasts.
If you would like to add your podcast to the list, please kindly fill in the form. If you have further questions, you can contact us through: podcasts@apf.org.
Exponential Minds
Chief Futurist and leader of the Futurist Think Tank Nikolas Badminton presents the Exponential Minds Podcast where he explores ideas with experts from futures thinking all fields around the world discussing how humanity is impacted by the exponential growth in technology and the thinking behind it.
Emkan Futures Podcast
Many other people struggle to imagine their future selves as a continuation of the person they are today, so they tend to be less responsible in their behaviors. It's as if they see their future selves as a separate person who has nothing to do with their current identity - and as a result, they worry less about the long-term consequences of their actions in the present.
The Wicked Opportunities Podcast
The world is filled with Wicked Problems - incredibly complicated predicaments that don’t have simple solutions. However, the real problem isn’t our complex world, but rather our outdated mindsets. The way that we see the future directly impacts the actions that we take today, so a better world requires better visions. Join futurists Yvette Montero Salvatico and Frank Spencer each week as they use the Natural Foresight® Framework to reframe our Wicked Problems into the transformational ideas that they call Wicked Opportunities.