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AI in Futures Studies: Saviour, Saboteur, or Hype?

Writer's picture: Asma Y. ZainalAsma Y. Zainal

The field of futures studies is on the verge of a technological revolution, heralded by the pervasive entry of artificial intelligence (AI). Echoing Kevin Kelly's perspective, we foresee a future where AI's role is not only significant but also deeply scrutinized for its efficacy and ethical implications. This critical examination is essential as we harness AI's potential as a saviour of foresight, guard against its potential sabotage, and cut through the hype to understand its true value.

A Paradigm Shift From Delphi to Deep Learning

The shift from the Delphi method to deep learning in future studies is a significant transformation. Deep learning uses machine learning models trained on the experiences of many, to identify patterns in massive data troves, allowing for more comprehensive and inclusive foresight. This shift is not just about scale but also about a shift in perspective from collective wisdom to data-driven insights. However, integrating deep learning into future studies requires ensuring it uncovers subtle trends and weak signals, as well as developing new lenses to interpret its outputs. As deep learning becomes more prevalent, futurists must develop new competencies, such as curating datasets, training models, and critically interpreting their outputs.

A Double-Edged Sword in the Creation of a Scenarios

The advent of AI in scenario creation presents a tantalizing and dangerous release of infinite possibilities. However, this feast comes with a warning: the risk of gorging on too many futures to digest. We are at a crossroads where our capacity to anticipate is both augmented and potentially ensnared by the very technology that enhances it.

Imagine AI anticipating a society where biotechnology has erased genetic diseases as easily as it conjures a world crippled by bio-engineered pandemics. One algorithm's slight deviation from another could spell the difference between anticipating an era of health and an age of bioterrorism. These anticipated scenarios carry more weight than mere speculative fiction; they are fraught with implications and shadowed by the specter of self-fulfilling prophecies.

A Moral Obligation to Bias and Representation

Futures studies need to move beyond tracing trends and outcomes with AI to actively engage with future possibilities. AI's future outcomes are reflections of the world, potentially perpetuating the status quo. The limitations of AI data and training are significant, as AI can only be as good as the data it digests. Inclusion and representation in AI-generated scenarios are critical for a more equitable future. By anticipating diverse scenarios, AI serves not only the data majority but also marginalized and minority groups. Dismantling systemic biases is crucial, and AI must actively identify and challenge them. This involves sifting forecasted scenarios through ethical standards and critiquing each narrative for fairness. The collective mission is to mold AI into a vessel that carries us forward, not on past inequities but on the winds of change we must generate.

Storytelling in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

In the age of artificial intelligence, storytelling plays a crucial role in future studies. AI's data analysis capabilities provide raw narratives, but they require human experience to create relatable stories. The task is to merge AI's analytical prowess with human insight to create stories that resonate with humanity. The essence of storytelling in futures studies is not just about presenting a sequence of events anticipated by algorithms but also weaving a narrative that captures imagination and sparks discourse. AI narratives should not only convey what could happen but also why it matters, painting a picture of the future that engages with humanity's values, hopes, and fears. In this synthesis of AI and human storytelling, the balance is preserved to create intelligent and wise futures. Our storytelling inspires, challenges, and elevates, using the vast computational potential to craft stories that honor our full humanity.

Concluding Thoughts The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into futures studies is not just a convergence of technology and anticipation but a profound evolution of our craft. We are called to be cartographers of the unknown, understanding the depths beneath AI's suggestions and blending empirical with experiential perspectives. Being forward-thinking means ingraining a vision of a future that celebrates diversity and is impervious to prejudice. Our conclusions serve as beacons, guiding us through uncertainty and stirring the imagination. They should ignite debate and invite us to question, sparking the minds of those who engage with them to envision futures beyond the constraints of the present. We have the power to mold AI into a tool of empowerment, balancing the scales between what AI can anticipate and what humanity can aspire to achieve.

*Image generated via Canva AI


Association of Professional Futurists

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